Riserva Naturale Isola di Pantelleria
Nature Reserves, Parks & Gardens
The nature reserve Island of Pantelleria was established in 1998 and is managed by the State Forests of the Sicily Region.
It was established to protect the crystal clear sea, the dark caves, mighty rocks and lush vegetation.
Pantelleria is a volcanic island and was formed in the Quaternary. In this area there is a rich Mediterranean vegetation with palm trees and pine forests, juniper, silts and wallflowers. The wild cats, rabbits and various birds like buzzards, falcons and eagles (only to name some of them) omake up the fauna of the island. An itinerary to discover the island of Pantelleria should include the mountains Montagna Grande, Monte Gibele e Monte Gelkhamahar. It has to be mentioned that the Montagna Grande (Big Mountain) is the only European site where the algerian tit and the rare beccamoschino (zitting cisticola) make their nests.