Ristorante La Bettola
At Ristorante La Bettola in Mazara del Vallo fish predominates in the menus that are offered to customers every day. The catch of the day can be enjoyed cooked according to original recipes. The fish is always superfresh, Mazara del Vallo is one of Italy's biggest fishing ports.
The appetizer of in citrus marinated fish is simply delicious, same as the fried fillets of red mullet with rosemary, the tortelloni stuffed with ricotta cheese and the squid with cherry tomatoes and tuna roe.
Don't miss the St. Peter's fish with potatoes or grouper with artichokes and red snapper with salt. Wash it all down with one of the more than 200 Sicilian labels from the well stocked wine cellar.
Oh yes, before we forget:the homemade desserts are all biological, like the traditional Sicilian cassata, candies and cakes.